Select Clients and Testimonials


Oxford City Schools

Euclid Early Learning

Cleveland Metropolitan Schools





Ohio Department of Education

Liminal eSports

Cleveland Foundation

Jennings Foundation


STEM Ecosystems



National Science Foundation EAGER




Jeremy’s foresight into educational issues combines current practices while honoring the past by predicting what schools, districts and other educational organizations need to be successful. He is able to take fledgling ideas and launch projects with national implications. I’ve witness him do this on numerous occasions.
— Kari Arfstrom, National Association of State Treasurers

Jeremy is highly skilled in change management, instructional design and blended learning implementations with years on experience as both a leader and creator in these areas. Jeremy is also a standout speaker at national and international events.
— Jon Corippo, CUE

Jeremy is a terrific example of the next generation Chief Technology Officer for school districts - sharp technically, understands the education environment and a true leader. He is among the first Certified Education Technology Leader (CETL) certificants.
— Keith Krueger, CoSN

Several words come to mind when I think of Jeremy - innovative, forward-thinking and funny. Jeremy doesn’t settle for the status quo. He stays at the cutting edge in his field. He keeps his finger on the pulse to pioneer forward with the best methods, practices and technologies. He is a systems thinker. He can take brilliant ideas and visions and move them to scale. Not only is he inspiring to work with, but he’s funny. His sense of humor helps him connect with others and quickly build rapport.
— Charity Allen, Learning Experience Designer